Laser Hair Removal


Laser Hair Removal (Pre Treatment Plan)

The best candidates for laser hair removal are fully able to comply with the pre-treatment and post treatment instructions. It is important to be well-educated about the procedure, and have realistic expectations. Here are some criteria to help you decide if you are a good candidate:

  • Dark hair, light skin, and course hair are the easiest to treat. These patients typically see the best results and require fewer treatment sessions.
  • Blond, grey, and red hairs are more difficult to treat with a laser. • Tanned patients must wait until the tan fades before treatment.
  • Treatment is not appropriate for people who have a pacemaker, who are pregnant, or who have metal screws in the area where the procedure would be performed.
  • The procedure does not necessarily result in 100 percent reduction of unwanted hair in the first treatment session. Multiple sessions may be needed.
  • Though not necessary, shaving before the treatment quickens treatment time. Shaving should be done to a degree where only a shadow or stubble remains visible
  • Bleaching or plucking should be stopped for a couple of weeks before the treatment
  • If you are likely to suffer from cold sores or have genital herpes, start taking appropriate medicines before the treatment
  • Laser Hair Removal (Post Treatment Plan)
  • Patients return home immediately following the treatment. Normal activities can be resumed immediately; however, exercise, Jacuzzi use, and sun tanning are not recommended for at least 24-48 hours. No waxing or depilatory creams can be used after laser hair removal.

    After the procedure, patients are often advised to gently cleanse the treated area with a mild soap. We recommend a specific lotion that should be used after treatment. An antibiotic ointment and other topical lotions may also be required in certain situations. Most often, discomfort is minimal and does not require medication. Unmanageable pain, or the appearance of red or white bumps, ingrown hairs, or scabs should be reported immediately.

    While the process in itself is considered to be very safe, individuals opting for laser hair removal should preferably follow the following pre-treatment tips. You should contact Jackson Dermatology Associates to schedule a consultation.