Sculptra Aesthetics


See Elissa's Results
See Franca's Results
See Renata's Results
Before Treatment
After 2 Treatments
After 3 Treatments
After 25 Months
Before & After

Sculptra™ is a new tool in the arsenal to eradicate wrinkles and fill in/plump up an aging face. Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid), also known as the “facelift in a bottle”, works by both filling in lines and wrinkles and by stimulating the body to produce new collagen. A treatment that was first approved by the FDA for use in AIDS patients, whose faces get sunken due to the loss of fatty tissue can also be used on healthy individuals to fill in wrinkles and remove years from their faces.

Who Can use Sculptura?
Almost everyone over 40 is a potential candidate for Sculptra.

What do I need to know about the post treatment?
There is no downtime required after the Sculptra injections. You should know that the fluid of the injection will make the wrinkles look like they are completely gone right after the procedure. It is important to thoroughly massage the treated areas for 5 minutes, 5 times daily, for 5-7 days after each treatment to allow for the even distribution of the product and to ensure natural-looking results. Because the production of new collagen formation is gradual, each treatment session will yield results that are more noticeable. Of course, individual results may vary so additional treatments may be required.

How many treatments are required?
Generally, 3 treatment sessions over a 2 to 3 month period may be necessary to obtain the desired results.

How long will my treatment session take?
Each Sculptra treatment session generally takes about 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of areas treated and the effects you want to achieve.

How Long does Sculptura Last?
Studies show Sculptra lasts longer than other wrinkle fillers, but is not permanent. The body breaks down the new collagen eventually, and patients need a touch-up, usually in about 2 years. Still, it’s important to remember that this skin filler has not been approved by the FDA for cosmetic purposes, although it has been used in Europe for years.

Have there been any side effects associated with the use of Sculptra?
When injections are performed by a trained physician, side effects are usually temporary and minimal, but can range from redness to slight bruising, bleeding, small bumps, tenderness, pain or swelling.

Jackson Dermatology fees are affordable and are priced per area/per session. For additional savings Sculptura packages are available. Cosmetic consultations are used to evaluate the area, discuss your goals, and answer any questions you may have about the procedure. Treatments may be started on the same day.